Agami works closely to nurture entrepreneurship in ODR (Online Dispute Resolution), so as to enable more citizens and businesses to resolve disputes equitably, efficiently and at scale. Today, the ODR ecosystem consists of over 13 start-ups providing dispute resolution services, and over 50 enterprises and counting, who’ve implemented ODR within their organisation. You can be a part of this movement too.
Enabling a Dispute Resolution Ecosystem
“By far the best team I’ve ever worked with. They truly understood the look I was going for and completely nailed it!”
A brief write-up on recent milestones
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Aliquam ligula lectus, efficitur non pretium quis, elementum quis sapien. Nunc dapibus mi vitae mi placerat eleifend. Cras ullamcorper molestie massa, at suscipit quam rhoncus vel. Suspendisse accumsan id diam et laoreet. Etiam eu feugiat nulla, sit amet volutpat purus. Vivamus vel erat pharetra, imperdiet ex eget, ornare tellus.
Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet elementum semper. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper.
Kara LucasAnimal Activist
Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Fringilla mauris sit amet. Donec sodales sagittis. Aenean commodo ligula.
Alexander GerardConversationalist
Our Thoughts on ODR
Download the ODR Handbook
First of its kind, the ODR Handbook contains valuable insights and learnings to equip you to successfully adopt ODR.
Handbook Partners
A Full History of ODR
How Online Dispute Resolution spread in India
ODR Handbook
Agami in association with NITI Aayog and Omidyar Network India, and ably supported by Ashoka Innovators for the Public, ICICI Bank, Trilegal, Dalberg, Dvara Research, and NIPFP have launched the ODR Handbook – an information guide to accelerate the adoption of ODR by businesses.
ODR: A Business Priority
A common theme through the June 2020 meeting was the need for businesses to actively adopt ODR to Enhance the Ease of Doing Business, particularly now in light of COVID19. To catalyse this shift, NITI Aayog, Agami, Omidyar Network India along with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) organised an open online meeting with key business, government, and legal representatives to signal to the industry that ODR was an idea whose time had come.
Playback the recorded meeting
ODR: A National Priority
Spurred by the success of ODR Week in introducing the ODR community in India to the world, Agami in association with NITI Aayog and Omidyar Network India brought together senior members of the Judiciary, Government and Businesses in a closed door meeting to identify pathways to recognize the full potential of ODR in India. See the five key insights here and key takeaways here. What emerged were key insights and a multi-stakeholder agreement to work collaboratively to ensure efforts are taken to scale online dispute resolution in India. See the five key insights here and key takeaways here!
Are you
a business a student a case manager ODR start-up lawyer general counsel CXO entrepreneur researcher journalist storyteller ?
Then you should join the community of passionate ODR enthusiasts in India – Autonomy.